Note: You have reached the archive of John Colagioia’s activity on short-lived social media site Pebble. It probably has little to no value to most people, but I (John) have it, and so opted to make it public. I have removed any blatant any intellectual property from Pebble, but have not modified any posts.

πŸͺ¨ Pebble

Thank you for being Pebble @jcolag!

Since June 2023 you have helped us to create a kind and safe place for people to share their lives and thoughts on Pebble.

You have made 77 posts for Pebble, and replied to 4 thoughts from others. You made this possible.

Although we need to cease our operations, please know that you made a difference. You and the rest of Pebble showed the world we can be kind to each other, share our humanity across languages and borders.

Here we have collected all of your public contributions: they rightly live in your hands.

Your Posts

Your Replies