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Boring CSS Tests

Specifically, this page tests Boring CSS, rather than providing CSS tests that happen to not inspire excitement. When you first open this page, it has no stylesheet at all. You can apply the individual styles and see how they interact with the page elements. The Base CSS doesn’t handle much on its own, other than spacing. It does specify colors, but until you supply a color palette, it doesn't know what they are. Likewise, the color palette (mostly) only applies names to colors, for the other stylesheets to work with.

Real Configuration

You might also want to open the browser's developer tools to toggle the light- and dark-color palettes, because each color-oriented CSS file includes both.

A Form

This only shows a subset of the possible variety of form elements, to avoid over-complicating the example page. If you find any that the CSS fails to cover, please file an issue.

Bogus Form Fields

Some Information

This looks like a table of junkdata to look at.

The Table

Here it is…

Heading Heading Heading
Data Data Data
Data Data Data

And there you have it


You’ll want to keep the old quote in mind, with this data.

It ain’t over ’til it’s over.

Yogi Berra

Generating the Data

If you want more data, run the following.

20 GOTO 10

You can run it for as much data as you want.

A cat-in-the-box
Why Cats

There’s a cat picture above, because…

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